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Our group is fully equipped to carry out research on 2D materials, interfaces, and devices in a fully autonomous way. For sample fabrication we have our own electron-beam lithography system, electron-beam evaporator, RF magnetron sputtering, and reactive ion etcher. We also have three glove-boxes, each having a fully computer controlled and automatized high-quality transfer system (designed and realized in house) to assemble structures based on 2D materials under controlled atmosphere. For characterization, we have two atomic force microscopes and we access departmental facilities such as a high-resolution electron microscope (with EDX capabilities), a high-resolution Raman system and more.

Electrical transport measurements are performed in one of our cryostats. We have several systems, covering the full temperature range between room temperature and 10 mK, in magnetic field up to 15 T. We also have an optoelectronic lab, allowing measuring transport under illumination or detecting light emission from our devices (both with a 1mm spatial resolution; the system has spectral resolution for light from 1 eV up to 3 eV, approximately). All systems are equipped with low-noise home-built electronics.

You can find a list of the facilities available in our group here below or reserve a facility through the Physics Booking System.


Electron-beam lithography
Room: S35
Phone number: 96259
Person in charge: Dr. Ignacio Gutierrez
Electron-beam evaporation
Room: 020
Phone number: 93549
Person in charge: Dr. Fan Wu
RF magnetron sputtering
Room: 020
Phone number: 93549
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
Reactive Ion Etching
Room: 020
Phone number: 93549
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
Wafer scriber
Room: 020
Phone number: 93549
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
CVD systems
Room: 020 and S20
Phone number: 93549, 93560
Glovebox I (3 gloves)
Room: 119
Person in charge: Margherita Melegari
Glovebox II (8 gloves)
Room: Sciences I, 018
Phone number: 96285
Person in charge: Margherita Melegari
Glovebox III (8 gloves)
Room: Sciences I, 018
Phone number: 96285
Person in charge: Margherita Melegari


Dilution fridge
Room: S25
Phone number: 96230
Persons in charge: Dr. Ignacio Gutierrez
Measurement bench
Room: S11A
Phone number: 93383
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
Recondensing dewar 14T magnet with Heliox measurement system
Room: S11A
Phone number: 93383
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
Cryofree 12T magnet with Heliox measurement system
Room: S11A
Phone number: 93383
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
Recondensing dewar 15T magnet with Heliox measurement system
Room: S25
Phone number: 96230
Person in charge: Alexandre Ferreira
Cryofree 12T magnets with VTI
Room: S11A
Phone number: 93383
Person in charge: Dr. Ignacio Gutierrez
Flow cryostat
Room: S25
Phone number: 96230
Low temperature probe station
Room: S11A
Phone number: 93383
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Room: S25
Phone number: 96230.
Person in charge: Giulia Tenasini
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) in glovebox
Room: Sciences I, 018
Phone number: 96285
Person in charge: Dr. Ignacio Gutierrez
Optoelectronic Lab
Room: S11B
Person in charge: Dr. Nicolas Ubrig

Department facilities

Our group also strongly benefits of the department facilities:

Clean room
Phone number: 93147
Person in charge: Marco Lopes
RAMAN Spectroscopy
Room: 117
Person in charge: Jérémie Teyssier
Scanning Electronic Microscope 1 (SEM)
Room: S35
Phone number: 96259
Person in charge: Sébastien Müller
Scanning Electronic Microscope 2 (SEM)
Room: S23
Phone number: 93561
Person in charge: Sébastien Müller
Room: Sciences I, 006
Phone number:
Person in charge: